This is a unique and varied collection of seven works for clarinet by Puerto Rican composers, blending classical and Latin styles. The first and last tracks are traditional “Danzas,” the latter depicting teenagers (the clarinet being the girl, and the trombone a boy) flirting over the internet. Three works are for clarinet alone: “Voces del Barrio,” (which sounds like salsa, montuno, and plena at times,) the meditative “Crepúsculo,” and Roberto Sierra’s evocative “Cinco Bocetos.” The other two selections are a sonata based on folk idioms, and a character piece. Notes in English and Spanish give the listener a better appreciation of this fascinating repertoire.
Caribe Clarinete was recorded in 2007-08, during a sabbatical Ms. Jones was granted by the CMPR, and was produced with additional support from the Institute of Puerto Rican Culture and the Luis A. Ferre Fine Arts Center. CMPR colleagues Diana Figueroa, piano, and Luis Fred, trombone, collaborate.
Voces del Barrio, by Alfonso Fuentes, received a 2009 Latin Grammy nomination in the category of Best Classical Work of the Year.
Samples of all tracks are available in our Music Store
In March of 2009, Caribe Clarinete was ranked fifth of the 20 most outstanding Puerto Rican 2008 recordings by the National Foundation for Popular Culture, based in San Juan. Read on from their press release! (English translation follows)
Producciones mas sobresalientes de Puerto Rico 2008
jueves 5 de marzo de 2009
San Juan, Puerto Rico – La Fundación Nacional para la Cultura Popular dio a conocer su selección de las 20 producciones discográficas.
5. Kathleen Jones: Caribe Clarinete — Productor: Kathleen Jones — Kklarinet
Desde hace décadas, el clarinete ha sido echado a menos como instrumento estelar en el ambiente discográfico nacional. Las grabaciones que destacan su sonido agudo y dulce son escasísimas. Por eso, este trabajo es tan importante. Más aún si la ejecutante es nada menos que la profesora de este instrumento en el Conservatorio y miembro prominente de la Sinfónica de Puerto Rico. El repertorio consiste de seis obras clásicas de compositores puertorriqueños, más un bello arreglo para clarinete y piano creado por David Bourns de la danza “Sara”, de Ángel Mislán. La pianista Diana Figueroa y el trombonista Luis Fred comparten con la profesora Jones en este maravilloso trabajo.
20 most outstanding Puerto Rican productions of 2008
Thursday, March 5, 2009
San Juan, Puerto Rico—The National Foundation for Popular Culture made known its selections for the 20 outstanding recording productions
5. Kathleen Jones: Caribe Clarinete — Producer: Kathleen Jones — Kklarinet
“For decades, the clarinet has been missed as a star instrument in the national discographic ambience. The recordings that highlight its high and sweet sound are very rare. Because of this, this work is so important. Further, the performer is no less that the professor of this instrument in the Conservatory and a prominent member of the Puerto Rico Symphony. The repertoire consists of six classic works by Puerto Rican composers, plus a beautiful arrangement for clarinet and piano created by David Bourns of the danza “Sara” by Angel Mislán. The pianist Diana Figueroa and the trombonist Luis Fred share with Professor Jones in this marvelous work.”
The complete album and individual tracks can be downloaded in our Music Store
Order the Caribe Clarinete CD directly from this website!
Price: $ 15 plus $ 5 shipping and handling.
(USA & Puerto Rico only – please contact me for shipment to other countries.)