Carnegie Hall, New York, February 7, 1977

Here I am in New York City, just before my recital in Carnegie Recital Hall, February 7, 1977.
Here I am in New York City, just before my recital in Carnegie Recital Hall, February 7, 1977.
(After working two years in Puerto Rico, New York in February felt pretty cold. I was glad our principal horn player's wife, Linda Arroyo, loaned me a coat!)
(After working two years in Puerto Rico, New York in February felt pretty cold. I was glad our principal horn player’s wife, Linda Arroyo, loaned me a coat!)
The Announcement of the recital in the Carnegie Recital Hall in New York City, February 7, 1977
The Announcement of the recital in the Carnegie Recital Hall in New York City, February 7, 1977
The program of the recital in the Carnegie Recital Hall in New York City, February 7, 1977
The program of the recital in the Carnegie Recital Hall in New York City, February 7, 1977
Penny and Leon Russianoff, my sister Donna Onat, cousin Martha Pierson-Swan, and Dad, cellist W. Howard Jones.
Penny and Leon Russianoff, my sister Donna Onat, cousin Martha Pierson-Swan, and Dad, cellist W. Howard Jones.
What beautiful smiles! Penny and Leon Russianoff, Feb. 7, 1977, Carnegie Recital Hall, just after my recital
What beautiful smiles! Penny and Leon Russianoff, Feb. 7, 1977, Carnegie Recital Hall, just after my recital
Leon and Mom, Jane Troth Jones, Professor of Music Education
Leon and Mom, Jane Troth Jones, Professor of Music Education
Fred Bremer (high school friend from Eugene, OR,) Mom (Jane Troth Jones,) Leon, me and Penny, post recital.
Fred Bremer (high school friend from Eugene, OR,) Mom (Jane Troth Jones,) Leon, me and Penny, post recital.
Review from the New York Times, February 9, 1977
Review from the New York Times, February 9, 1977

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